Friday, November 15, 2013

©2013 Copyright. All rights reserved

The definition of copyright is "Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works." Copyright
Examples of copyright:Downloading songs from an artist online without permission from the artist. Also if I downloaded pictures other people took and claimed that it was mine, then it would be copyright.

Fair use is when you use a copyrighted work, such as Panic! At The Dicso
song, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"  and use it to make a parody, or display constructive criticism. An example of fair use would be me writing a book review on Harry Potter: Chamber Of Secrets and using quotes from the book to show my criticism.

Shepard got fined $25,000 for copyright when he created the iconic red,white, and blue poster of Obama with the words HOPE. It was said he had used a photo taken by an AP photographer in 2006,but Shepard lied about which photo was used. This civil suit was settled in 2011 by Shepard and the AP for $1.6 million.

The Public Domain is where the copyright has expired, facts or other non-protectable work, or works from the US Government. It allows you to use the work where you will not get a copyright infringement. Creative Commons is a non profit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. 

Halloween before image used with permission , Creative Commons.
Playing with Photoshop exploring what liquify, dodge + burn, and the clone stamp tool can do.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Color Psychology

In the Color Psychology article, the author states that the psychology of color is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life. Color is often associated with a person's feelings or emotions. Light purple, for example portrays a peaceful surrounding, relaxing you and relieving tension. Green portrays a natural feeling, like being at harmony with nature, causing you to be calm and able to clear your head.The article reference can be found here: Color Psychology: The Emotional Effects of Color.

The Language of Advertising:Colors and People Used In Advertising
Fear advertisements before used colors such as black,white,green, and brown. Nowadays, they use bright colors such as red,blue and green.Energy bar advertisements use brown, which is the main color of chocolate, is used. Blue is also used to show healthiness, cleanliness, and serenity.

Author:Peter Sells and Sierra Gonzalez
University of
Stanford's Color in Advertising