Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Save Water PSA Poster

My topic was about saving water and how it could help the world. Since our water supply is getting low, saving water would be helpful for droughts to come in the later years. Any child or adult that saves water in their home ensures that we will have more water to use during a drought.

I learned that only 1 percent of the world's water is actually usable. Something else that I learned was that taking a shower for 5 minutes can save 7 gallons/shower. Also, installing low flow shower heads, water-efficient dishwashers, and installing a high efficiency toilet can also save over 20 gallons.

The interesting facts I used from the website from the website SaveOurWater was that turning off water when brushing teeth or shaving can save approximately 10 gallons per day. Also, you should only run laundry and the dishwasher when loads are full, approximately saving 19-24 gallons per use.

My rough sketches and ideas are here:

My finished PSA informs and educates the viewer by telling them something that needs to be done. A lot of people may not know it but, they waste water. The Earth will end up being dried, fresh out of water if we don't do something about our the amount of water we waste.
PSA Save Water  Poster designed by Alfred Nicholson